हाजिर जवाब - hajir javab meaning in hindi

Suggested :
जड़ | centre |
At the centre of the city | |
धूर्तमानुषा | approach |
He admits that this approach can have its drawbacks | |
अंश | base |
Its support base increased substantially in the 1990s . | |
पीड़ाकरण | suffering |
Bob is suffering from syphilis. | |
अवंठदार कटोरा | lipped bowl |
a lipped bowl |
hajir javab
अक्षरों की संख्या: 10 व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
haajira javaaba
Related spellings : haajir javaab,hajir javab
Related spellings : haajir javaab,hajir javab
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